Hélène Smith and her Martian Communication
Born Catherine Elise Müller, and later identifying as Helene Smith, this 19th century spiritualist medium didn't just communicate with the dead and speak of her past lives. She spoke to martians on Mars, and even had an alphabet, translator, and painted images that were out of this world (literally).
Born Catherine Elise Müller, and later identifying as Helene Smith, this 19th century spiritualist medium didn't just communicate with the dead and speak of her past lives. She spoke to martians on Mars, and even had an alphabet, a spirit translator, and painted images that were out of this world (literally).
But where did this martian language really come from? Swiss psychologist Theodore Flournoy was intrigued, and joined her in many seances to study Smith, her abilities, her languages, and determine the root cause of it all. Join us as we discuss the original Mulder, and the Scully who used science to dissect these strange happenings.
But where did this martian language really come from? Swiss psychologist Theodore Flournoy was intrigued, and joined her in many seances to study Smith, her abilities, her languages, and determine the root cause of it all. Join us as we discuss the original Mulder, and the Scully who used science to dissect these strange happenings.